4 Outstanding Benefits Of Height Adjustable Desks

No one likes being stuck behind a desk. A common problem to anyone who starts an office role is adjusting to a life of sitting down for the majority of the day.

From taking walking breaks to using medicine balls, there are ways to change up your desk routine. But for those looking for a more permanent solution, standing desks are a great way to get you moving again.

Sick of always sitting down? Take a stand and learn about how these 4 major advantages of swapping out your current table with a height adjustable desk:

1. Reduces back pain

Everyone who has to work behind a desk has experienced some sort of back pain. The combination of working long hours, hunched over a desk and staring at a computer screen can take a toll on your lower back. You can break the routine of prolonged sitting and stretch out your spine through the upward position required to work at a standing desk.

2 Improves mood and productivity

The act of sitting down in front of a screen is very monotonous. The lack of change can highly impact mood the longer anyone stays in one spot. While taking frequent breaks away from your desks can help, some days it’s hard to find enough time away. A height adjustable desk gives you the extra movement you need to work through any slumps your feeling throughout your workday. Staying physically active can help with mental flow and increase your productivity.

3. Lowers health risks

Living a sedentary life is a major health risk in our modern age. A standing desk gives you access to a new type of daily physical activity. By encouraging you to be active during your work hours, studies have shown that a standing desk may help lower your risk of weight gain and obesity and related health risks such as high blood sugar, heart disease and metabolic problems.

4. Burns more calories

Exercising might be the last thing on your mind when you’re making your way through a pile of paperwork. However, for those looking for extra ways to burn calories, standing desks are an excellent way to add a little of cardio to your work life. A 180-pound person can burn around 970 calories during a 7 hour day behind a sit-down desk but can burn around 1260 calories when using a standing desk.

Whether you’re starting a new health and fitness program or looking for a new way to break through daily work slumps, standing desks are a great investment for any office space. Start moving today and reap the benefits of height adjustable desks.

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